Sunday 1 September 2024

We have been away 244 days and so far have been fairly happy with the budget. Our daily allowance, based on the net available from pensions less holding costs back home, is €113. This is for basic food and beverages, getting around and entertainment. The rest, such as clothing, major travel, doctors, medicines and any accommodation, air travel, major road trips, the car lease and the expensive La Chaine and birthday celebrations, comes from savings.

The review has been prompted by the planned expenses and travel in the next four months that don’t involve pet sitting or free accommodation and possibly some serious F&B research involving Andrew and Christopher. So, where are we at? The daily living is running at €103 and the rest at €90. Given all we have done, this is pretty good and only possible by 82% of the time being free accommodation through home exchange and pet sitting.

Monday 2 September 2024

More planning and booking for the October to December end of our year away and it is amazing to us finding airlines like Wizz Air and trusting bookings made through some strange websites. Thank goodness for “The Man in Seat 61”. As you can imagine, Flashy has had little input into all this, preferring to add all the info into his marvelous spreadsheet, once Lady P has done all the research and bookings.

After some many hours screen time today, and no rain, we decided to get sweaty outside and move some more of the dirt that had been delivered. We have now levelled off around the pool deck, filled in numerous holes in the lawn and pinched a big load of straw from the neighbouring farmer’s paddock. It was one of the circular bales, harvested in June that fell off the truck and rolled into an inaccessible corner of the paddock, right next to our fence line. Well, it’s abandoned surely? Not really stealing, is it? Good for the garden though!

France is not known for its spicy food. There are no chillies in the markets or supermarkets and very little Asian herbs and spices. There are practically no Asian restaurants anywhere, despite once having Vietnam as a colony. I guess they don’t like to be reminded of Dien Bein Phu. For us multicultural Aussies, we do miss a good curry, some spicy Indian or Thai or fragrant Vietnamese. Even their garlic seems to be dumbed down. Flashy used a whole knob the other day and barely tasted it. However, the fruit and vegetables are magnificent - and oh my goodness, their potatoes are to die for.

Where is this little rant leading, you ask? Well, tonight Flashy is making chicken with satay sauce and rice. Using Jacki’s mum’s cook’s recipe, reluctantly given to Flashy as a divorce settlement (she got the lawnmower), it’s been marinating all day. We discovered a tiny corner of the isle that was “international cuisine” and got a jar of satay sauce. Spice at last!!

Burning the apple tree stump. Still waiting for the Pompiers to turn up.
Here is Flashy's coffee making cup. A gift from Lady P ($2 at Rusty's Market) The best thing since sliced bread!


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