Tuesday 23 January 2024

A lazy day today with some admin. A quick run into town and still no black trousers. It’s been +3c all day and the snow is melting fairly quickly, but it’s still very slippery. Made leek and potato soup for lunch. Using up the leftovers.

Since the next couple of days are probably going to be lazy, lay about ones, I will entertain you with some little known facts about the Finns. Here’s the first one

Finland Has Plenty of Bizarre Competitions

Many bizarre and crazy competitions are organized throughout the country. For example, one of the most famous competitions in Finland is the Wife Carrying World Championship.

Basically, it’s a contest in which men have to carry their female teammate (this person doesn’t necessarily have to be their wife). The contestant who can carry his teammate first through the obstacle track wins the race. And what’s the prize? As many litres of beer as the winner’s teammate weighs in kilos!

This seems to be the preferred carrying position


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