Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 December 2024

Wild weather and storms are predicted in the next couple of days, so we took Truffle on the train to Canterbury. She was very well behaved and attracted many pats from onlookers. She also sat comfortably under the table in the pub where we retreated for a counter lunch. Home in the dark at 4.00 pm.

Saturday the wind is up and the rain is constant, so inside day doing clothes sorting and household chores.

Sunday and no change to the weather. Perhaps a bit colder. Lady P is off to Wimbledon by train today to meet LJ, Charlotte et al for brunch and then ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ panto. Flashy doesn’t expect to see her until dinner time and has sole responsibility for naughty Truffle today. She is likely to get lots of treats for good behaviour! Truffle, that is.

Lady P arrived back safe and sound, although delays on the train to London meant they had to cancel the brunch and go straight to the panto.

Ready for the trip
She's a chick magnet

Even little ones like her
But, here she is in the garden in the rain refusing to move.
Her back yard with the summer house in the corner and the woods behind.


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