Sunday 8th to Thursday 12th September 2024

Lots of activity this week in preparation for our road trip to Spain on Friday. The last of the yard jobs has been completed with cutting and poisoning of blackberries, mowing the vast estate lawns, the final section of dog fence completed and just when you thought it was finished and that cold Heineken was awaiting, someone said that two more trees needed cutting down. 

Luckily, they were single trunk little ones and could be done with a bowsaw. They were however, on the neighbouring farmers boundary and the job involved a quick mount of the fence, some frenetic sawing and a quick jump back over the fence. Flashy rewarded himself with a two Heinekens after that.

Wednesday saw Lady P shopping for the last of her needs for the Camino, with little and light bags and bottles. We got fuel and are now only to clean the house and eat out the fridge. And there’s not much there!


  1. Was it just "someone " walking past who suggested two more trees needed cutting down or "someone " closer to home?

  2. You're on the money


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