Saturday 7th September 2024

Off to Saint Jean d’ Angeley market today for what will probably be our last visit. While having a coffee in our regular bar, a group of Roman soldiers marched past. Shields, swords, helmets – the full kit, led by a centurion. That’s a bit strange. They haven’t been here since good old Julius in 52 BC.

Our interest was piqued, so we headed to the town square where we found the Romans as part of a large gathering of all the associations and clubs of St Jean d’Angeley, including it appears, the historical re-enactment mob. Certainly an active community. It reminded us a bit of Mornington 40 years ago.

In between light showers we finished our estate duties with some shrub removal and painting the gate. Flashy is still trying to burn the apple tree stump. He’s now experimenting with bags of charcoal. Apparently, this burns hotter than wood.


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