Wednesday 10 July 2024

Still warm despite some showers overnight and a bit of cloud this morning. We bussed and Metro’d it to the Pully Port and grabbed a coffee at the Italian café. Here on the side of the ash tray, is a sign that says “Who the Fred is Fuck.” OK, a little research tells me that there is a web site called Who The Fred Is Fuck, based in Lausanne and they sell tobacco products, legal cannabis and vaping products. That’s why it’s on the side of the ash tray, says Flashy.

I guess Fred wanted to shock, so he put in Fuck in the name. got my attention. Must be Swiss humour.  And to that - Swiss people are extremely humorous so some Swiss say, at least if you don't do laundry one minute past your allowed slot. Light-hearted fun is something that is taken very seriously in Switzerland.

Anyway, we then walked along the shore of the Lake to Lausanne proper. It is a nice city, very neat and tidy ja! To the market we went and got some tomatoes and some cheese, then found a hip terrace café for some drinks and burgers. This after a short visit to a museum of archaeology. Well presented. Lots of stairs and a bit dark.

After lunch, a long walk down very steep streets to the Musee de Design et d’Arts Appliques Contemporains. Lady P loved it. Flashy found a comfy bench and massaged his aching knees. Raced home on the bus to let out poor old Monk, who’d still be locked up if Flashy hadn’t dragged Lady P out of the Musee. He raised his sleepy head from his bed and wandered slowly outside for a piss. Monk, that is. Left overs for dinner.


  1. They say that the Swiss don't have the sense of humour of say Dutch & Germans or even those jolly folk the Belgians. Amused, Bentleigh East


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