Tuesday 16 July 2024

In to St J d’A this morning to collect the lawnmower and some supplies. The lawn mower service department is closed until next week. The young repair bloke has gone travelling, apparently! 

Luckily we found someone from another department who opened the service room and had a cursory look about and told us to come back next week!

As the tension built between certain members of both parties, neither speaking the other’s language particularly well, Flashy remembered the photo he took when he delivered said mower, parked outside the (closed again) service department two weeks ago, with a very precise note in French taped to the handle, asking for two cables to be replaced and the blades sharpened. 

Should said mower bloke find anything major needing fixing, he is to call Mme Cubitt (Emma Lou) on her UK number. D’accord? Oui! Says the English speaking girl at the cashier, taking copious notes. Off we go to Switzerland.

Flashy whipped out the photo. “Ah, jaune et vert!” says the man. Of course it’s bloody yellow and green it’s a Briggs and Stratton. Out the back in the place they hadn’t looked yet, sat the repaired mower. Everybody is happy.

Now, I wouldn’t admit this but despite the excellent Google French used to write the note, it was signed by Flashy and he seems to recall a +33 landline number coming in to his mobile, while in Switzerland, that was treated as spam and blocked. Could it be that the good folks at Gamm Vert repair shop had tried to call?

All things end well and Lady P is now happily mowing the estate.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Emma Louise and Johnny are coming next week on Tuesday. So, today we continued cleaning and getting ready to welcome them. A little weed poisoning here and there and planning meals, checking freezer and all that stuff.

We lit the BBQ tonight for butterflied sardines, tabouleh from the garden herbs and famous Brittany spuds for dinner.

Thursday 18 July 2024

More of the same, with cleaning, gardening and generally enjoying the 36C summer day. Maybe pool time tomorrow?


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