Thursday 11 July 2024

Stay at home, admin day.

Friday 12 July 2024

Off on the train early today to Geneva. This was a pleasant trip along the edge of the Lake. We wandered slowly in the old town, looking at all the tourist sights and sites, including the many world fashion and watch brand shops, the water fountain and the cathedral. The latter, being Prody, is nowhere near as blingy as the Micks. Just sayin’.

Looking for a lunch stop, we heard the voice of an Australian in loud conversation with another Aussie sitting at Brasserie-Restaurant de l’Hotel de Ville, as we passed. Pretty swish as it turned out.

Baldy and the Young Bloke were still there 15 minutes later when we returned from a walk along the Reformation Wall and we decided to go in. The waiter seated us next to them. They were clearly engrossed in each other’s company and did not notice our common accent or indeed, our presence.

Baldy, the elder, seemed to be a world traveler – “just got in from DC, mate.” And was a sort of fixer for investment funds. Lots of stories about his satellite deals for the Arabs and Asians. Now, you didn’t have to cock an ear sideways. The volume was pretty high, despite them not drinking. We were though. A Rose with the gigantic salad for one of us and a Chasselas and Tartare du Salmon for Flashy.

As it turned out, Baldy was from Hamilton in Victoria and  Young Bloke was from Adelaide.

However, the best story we heard was about of one of Baldy’s colleagues in the US, who announced one Wednesday, that he, Martin, was now she, Martine. “And we’d just signed a billion dollar deal with the Saudis!” The story continued, and he told it well. About her saving her daughter from disease by forming a pharmaceutical company and finding a cure. The movie ‘Lorenzo’s Oil’, come to real life – apparently!

Suffice to say, that Flashy checked it out on the internet when he got home, because you couldn’t make this stuff up, surely?

And the story, true it seems, at least is recorded on the NYC Public Radio site with pictures. Here it is: (New York Public Radio via the web WNYC)

Dr. Martine Rothblatt hit headlines when a recent article identified her as America's highest-paid female CEO. The title is fitting because Rothblatt is something of a visionary.

She founded GeoStar, an early GPS-based navigation system, an idea that Wall Street, satellite manufacturers and the FCC all initially said no to. Rothblatt also founded Sirius Satellite Radio—a business venture that was initially rejected by even the company's current CEO. 

And Rothblatt is also the brains behind the pharmaceutical company United Therapeutics, a business she is currently leading as CEO. Founded in 1996 after her youngest child was diagnosed with primary pulmonary hypertension, Rothblatt made $38 million as the company's leader in 2013. 

She's pushed through to achieve her goals, and the word no actually became the fuel for her success—an attitude she applied to not just her business endeavours, but her very sense of self.

In her life, Dr. Rothblatt has transcended gender and technological boundaries. Rothblatt was born a man, and today is a transgender woman—just another no she turned into a yes.

This made our excellent lunch more than just a culinary feast. And, get this, it was on top of another ear-cocking, conversation, eaves-dropping on the train to Geneva.

That conversation, by another, older Baldy and the Young One in the row behind us, was also loud enough to hear easily. Held in English (public school boy Young One) and German accented English (the older Baldy), it was about molecular/nuclear cell research and while we only understood a little, it was better than watching TV.

What a day. Home about five minutes before the thunderstorm hit. Monk was pleased to see us.

Geneva touristic photo 1
Geneva touristic photo 2
Geneva touristic photo 3
Tartare du salmon

Very big salad


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