Saturday, Sunday and Monday 27, 28 & 29 July 2024

Lady P finally got her train out of Paris and 4.5 hours later arrived in Surgeres, where Flashy was waiting in the little red Peugeot and we took off for Bordeaux. It was busy on the road but not like the good old days in Melbourne on the Hume at Easter, but close!

Jo was waiting by the kerb at the airport and we turned back for LPR. The trip home was surprisingly good.

The next two days were a bit of a blur with Flashy and Johnny cutting down more trees and the others lying around and in the pool, as the weather was magnificent. Much sampling of wines and a couple of good old fashioned wood fire BBQ’s, sitting in the shade of the cherry tree. Sunset here is around 10.30 pm, so some in the party struggle to stay up that late!

Monday we catch up with admin, and head off to Saumur.

A spectacular Swiss wine
Under the Cherry tree


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