Monday – Wednesday 1 to 3 June 2024

These three days we are preparing for our trip to Switzerland, where we will mind Munk, the 10 year old dog in Lausanne. Munk only understands French. Should be fun.

I see that the Parisians rioted in the streets on Sunday evening, after the first round of National Assembly elections. Oh, my goodness! Can you believe it? The French taking to the streets?

Well, as it turned out our apartment overlookd a big gymnasium and swimming pool and on Sunday morning, we noticed the French out exercising their right to vote, as the gym was a polling station. It was a lovely, sunny day and all was calm. We departed for the RER and Metro which took us underground to Gare Montparnasse, as I have explained before. Consequently, we did not see anything of the above ground carryings on and departed for home at 3.45pm. The Frogs got real worked up after 7.00 pm at the Place de Republic. I noticed on the news that they smashed a McDonalds front window. Perhaps they don’t like their burgers either?

Second round voting next Sunday and we will be safely in Switzerland.

E.Dehillerin cooking shop, Paris

Paris Town Hall. No riots there - yet!


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