Wednesday 5 June 2024

Phase 3 of the concreting is completed. Another two bags to go, probably do this on Friday. A  big day of washing, airing of suits etc as the sun is shining (all day too). Lady P stokes up the BBQ and cooks the fillet of beef, which we enjoy on the terrace. Darkness here is 10.30 pm, so it is often still light when we go to bed. And there are no streetlights in the village, consequently, it’s as black as a coal bin all night.

Still, another slow day today, with cleaning, washing and attending to the pool.  It is clearing nicely but a bit low still on chlorine.

Thursday 6 June 2024

We went to Surgeres today. A pleasant drive just north of us 18 kms – about 20 mins and a largish (7,000) town with a market and the major train connection to Paris. Some shopping done and home to a ham and cheese baguette. 

Now, there was this little patisserie, with a line up out the door and down the street, with tradies buying filled baguettes and little old ladies their daily bread. Flashy also noted croissants and eclairs in the window. 

You would assume, with such a popular local trade, that the bread would be of excellent quality. Well, apparently Lady P can tell just by sniffing the air. No, she says, nothing better than Subway! Well! No bread for us then. Luckily, there was a Super Intermarche on the way home where we could buy supermarket quality baguettes, ham and cheese.

Sardines, fresh from the Surgeres market on the BBQ tonight.

Surgeres version of a cappuccino.
Grounds of the old castle and church in Surgeres. Very well kept and presented.


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