Tuesday to Thursday 11 to 13 June 2024

Jenny and Alyssa were due on Tuesday at lunch time and eventually arrived around 7.45 pm due to a flat tyre on their hire car in Bordeaux. Nonetheless, we had Champagne and salmon rilletttes on their arrival, then sat down to the dinner. This was an entrée of blanched white and green asparagus with a boiled egg vinaigrette, accompanied by a Bordeaux Semillon Sauvignon Blanc. The main was Lapin du Vin, with puy lentil and a green salad. A number of Languedoc and Bordeaux reds were consumed. After a pause, we had Crepe Suzette with Grand Marnier and vanilla ice cream.

Wednesday for some, was spent lying around the pool. Flashy had produced his magic and it was sparkling clean. Only the southerners swam. It was barely 20C in the pool, but clear blue skies and warm sunshine on the terrace. Of course, this produced platters of jamon, cheeses and pickles with a fresh baguette and some rose and red wines for lunch. Dinner was a cheese, spec and leek quiche on Flashy’s special pate brisse pastry and more French wines.

Thursday, we decided to take a drive to Il de Re, just off the coast from la Rochelle. Alyssa minded the fort and did some paid work, while the other three headed off on what was another glorious summer day.

A walk around the market produced a purchase of fleur du sel and a very expensive brick of nougat. Oh well, it was/is delicious. Then to the other end of the island for a seaside lunch. Flashy had decided that today he would have éclair, oysters, champagne, beer, wine, some seafood, a good white wine and a glacie. Not all at once, but over the course of the day. The restaurant overlooking the small marina and the beach was excellent and it was only the éclair that was not ticked off the list.

Taittinger Champagne and oysters started the lunch. This was followed by tuna tartare, a big bowl of mussels, clams, winkles and prawns for Lady P and a trio of fish with prawns, potatoes and sauerkraut for Jenny. Frites and bread, of course. A very good Languedoc Chardonnay Viognier helped things along. 

As Jenny and Flashy were lingering over the white wine, Lady P was excused to wander the boardwalk. She was, after all the driver. After half an hour, she returns with a bucket of ice cream and three spoons. Is this a thoughtful gesture? Looking after her guests? Or, as we expect, a sneaky way of getting an ice cream without guilt! Delicious though and much appreciated. The day ends with a farewell to Jenny and Alyssa, who are off to Bordeaux for a few nights.

Lunch at Les Petites Rivieres
Quiche with an Austrian wine
Happy campers
Flashy gets his beer on Il d Re
Two coffees and one beer, please
I'm in France!
Yes, they were good!


  1. Is it just me, or is the quiche a little over cooked?

  2. It's the cheese sprinkled on top you cheeky buggar


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