Thursday to Saturday

20 June 2024

One of those days when you do nothing. Read a bit, relax and plan dinner.

Friday 21 June 2024

Another at home day cleaning the pool. Pizza for dinner. The passata is reducing; the base already made.

Saturday 22 June 2024

More of the same, really. However, a good visit to Saint Savinien this morning. A Ville et Métiers d'Art, a short drive away on the Charante River. Ville et Métiers d'Art is a special label given to certain cities and towns which emphasize excellence and authenticity in art

Today, painters from the village and surrounds, set themselves up on the riverbank and began painting. All the paintings will be taken to the Mairie (town hall) today and displayed. The public then gets to vote for the best in the exhibition. So French.

Half way home, we stopped at Bignay, another little village with a small square featuring a nice little bar, where we had a wine. Home to a cheese and pate lunch and a glass of rose.

Saint Savinien on la Charante.
l'artiste and the inquisitive critic.
Even the cheapies have corks.


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