Thursday, Friday and Saturday 30, 31 May and 1 June 2004

Collioure to Beziers was a doodle of a drive, arriving in Beziers just after Jacqui and Russell at a three story home exchange, obviously owned by wealthy, wine loving, Sweeds, at noon. We had purchased some excellent faux fillet du boef and some sausages, which we BBQ’s on the roof top terrace, with a nice Bordeaux Superior for dinner. This was preceded by a charcuterie platter for lunch.

Friday, we breakfasted on croissants and baguettes from the local boulangerie, before a little drive to a village market, where Lady P purchased a dress and the rest of us bought fruit and veges. Home to another platter of French cheese, cured meats, smoked mackerel and rose wine in the sunshine on the rooftop for lunch. 

Our Uber for dinner arrives and not surprising he was middle eastern. Our whole neighbourhood is full of women in hijab and blokes in dish dash. Hard to believe you are in France!

The dinner restaurant was Petite Pierre (little Peter) and Jacqui had researched it from her Michelin Guide. It was a remarkable little find. Clearly, in Flashy’s view, a one star in the making, in a neighbourhood with practically no tourists. 

The menu was prix fixe, set at three price points and and stated as “ amuse, entrée, main, cheese and dessert” no indication of what the ingredients might be. Ah, it’s a surprise says the waiter! “How would you like your protein cooked medium or really rare medium?” “Well, what’s the bloody protein”, thinks Flashy. Rare chicken is no bloody good! Must be beef.” "Yes, well have medium please." Wine is chosen. And the courses begin. A smoked beetroot and hazelnut mousse with sourdough bread is the amuse and is excellent. 

The entrée, of celeriac slivers over crabe et mayonnaise, is just perfect. Our Sorgeres Cote du Roussillon red is just hanging in there. One bottle does not do four people for long! Then comes the main. 

We were all wrong, it’s magret de canard with caramelised onion and puree pomme du terre. Gosh. Died and gone to heaven. Second bottle of the red is ordered. Then the cheese course. A hard, rind washed cow and two goat cheeses, more bread and and some water for some! 

Dessert was an ice cream pistachio log. Hard to describe at this stage but amazingly executed. The staff were young and happily played with our Fronglaise attempt to be polite. Chef little Peter also came and said hello and we departed amazed at the experience and the food. Some of us had a Grand Marnier or two when we got home. Others crashed into bed.

Saturday morning was another fruit and yoghurt brekkie followed by croissants and jam and coffee, before Flashy and Lady P departed on the 6+ hr drive back to Les Petites Revieres, mostly on quiet motorways, with a couple of stops for a snack and fuel. 

LPR is looking good for our time away. Lawns are high and need a mow. Roses look beautiful and the power has not gone off. Slipping into a gin and tonic as the sun slowly sets and contemplating a simple dinner omelet.

Smoked beetroot mousse.
Celeriac slivers over crab
Russell's "no shellfish" egg entree!
Is two bottles really enough?
Now, that's duck breast!
Cheese, of course before dessert.
Little Peter. You know, they say he's not that little!
Stunning dessert
Collioure breakfast
Wonderful boulevard in Beziers
Jacqui with the baguettes. Shaved armpits, please.


  1. Great to see such high quality food photos. Food looks amazing!


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