Sunday and Monday 23/24June 2024

Sunday gave us clear skies and warm weather, so a quick trip to the Intermarche and back to mow the lawns and weed the roses, before a BBQ of steak on the apple wood fire. A quick rush to close the doors to prevent the vast quantity of smoke setting off the new smoke alarm was required. Lady P planted parsley, mint, oregano and thyme a few weeks ago. Flashy reckons she planted on top of the septic as it has grown prolifically. So, the third lot of mint and parsley was picked and a fresh tabouli made to accompany the medium rare steak. The €4,99 Bordeaux was OK to at least one of the party.

Monday 24th

Busy day of planning and packing for Paris tomorrow. Drop off the lawn mower for repairs, clean up, vacuum and mop and start locking up the place is in order, as we have an early start tomorrow to drive to Surgeres, find a park for the car and catch the 6.45 am train to Paris.

Lawns mowed.
Steaks cooked.
Bordeaux cheapie.


  1. The grass is always greener over the septic tank.


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