Saturday 15 June 2024

As regular as clockwork, we head off on our Saturday outing to Saint Jean D’Angely market. This is always preceded by a coffee in a café for Lady P. Flashy is already wired, thanks to his morning brew at home.

By now, we know the stalls and even the flirty girls at the stalls, so it’s an easy shop for fruit and veges and the bread from the boulangère pop up with the long line of customers. 

We also buy the world’s most expensive cooked chook, which cleans us out of pockets full of coins. There’s some upside, I guess. We also get fresh fish from the grinning lads at the fishmonger, along with a kilo of mussels. 

These morph into a mussels marinara with a baguette traditionale for lunch (not marinier, but an Italian tomato based sauce - marinara). Flashy also makes some sweet pastry and uses the peaches soaked in sweet Pineau for a peach tart to have with a coffee after some bramble removal in the front hedge this afternoon.

Mussels for lunch

tarte aux pêches

Attacking the hedge!


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