Wednesday 15 May 2024

A reasonable drive into Bordeaux, with some scattered showers on the way and straight to a gigantic shopping centre to look for some summer clothes. This proved to be quite successful, with most things on our list purchased. Summer shirts, shorts, dresses and new undies among the purchases. We still have summer shoes to buy but since the total of our purchases was under €200, we were pretty impressed and are contemplating a bigger spend on shoes and a couple of good tops. Lady P managed to get a bit of beauty treatment done and we had a pretty average croque madam/monsieur at the bistro. So, typically shopping centre!

As an observation, the shopping centre was a replica of any in Australia. Similar layout and the shoppers looked as bogan as anywhere. No high heels and tight arses here in Bordeaux. Maybe it’s a Paris thing or the homogenisation of fashion world wide?

Our home exchange apartment is nice – a one bed clean and modern unit with a lock up car park underneath and close to the hospital, so a pretty pleasant neighbourhood. A simple baguette, salad, olives, cheese and salami platter with a couple of GnT’s and we look for an early night.

Food photos. These are extra natural Picardie grown spuds and so they are good for you.
It looks good. But pretty crap.


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