Tuesday 24 April 2024

A cold, crisp morning around 7c with brilliant blue skies. Up early and off to drop Flashy at Bushmills Distillery for his 10.00 am tour. There were 11 people and Anne the tour guide was very polished, not Polish, she was Irish but very good at being a tour guide. At the end we had a taste of 12 year old Bushmills, Very smooth, I can report. So good, in fact that Flashy bought a bottle and is drinking it as he types. Anything can happen.

Lady P collects him and we head off to Port Stewart, a short drive west along the coast, where a pub meal is planned (after a long walk of course). Well, it was a pleasant walk of about 25 mins to Harry’s Shack, right on the beach and we anticipated the ubiquitous fish and chips.

Oh no, the menu was heavily seafood as expected but our mussels entrée was spectacular. Lots of butter and leeks with a hint of spice (chilli we reckon) which is not so Irish. The whole sole for Lady P was trimmed and almost filleted and not a big flat fish on the plate. But beautiful and tasty. Flashy’s two fish tacos were very good and so well balanced with spice and moist fish, that he scoffed them before Lady P could “I just want a taste” sample them.

As the meal comes to an end, Lady P marches off to get the car. Isn’t she good? Flashy and the staff indulge in another Chardonnay, set the watch for 20 mins, then head off to RZV with the car. Perfect timing.

Not satisfied with the walk. We head to the Giants Causeway. Now the following comments are made after the event, after considerable sober discussion and a lot of reflection.

The Giants Causeway is a bunch of cliffs plunging into the sea. They are very much hyped by the Irish, subject to a lot of tourist infrastructure and visited by a lot of people (900k pa). I say again, they are cliffs plunging into the sea. There are many places around the world, including other parts of Ireland, USA and Australia, where cliffs plunge into the sea.

We walked to the trail head, which takes you up to the top of the cliffs. Note, I said up. Flashy is already pissed off. Then surprise, you go down 165 steps to the coast track, which eventually leads back to the car park. For Flashy, it was a wonderful walk in bright Irish sunshine looking at classical examples of columnar jointed basalt columns. You believe this, of course.

As a geography major, he was in his element. Great examples of volcanology and the columnar jointing was spectacular. But, really? – a world heritage site?

There was no, “Oh wow what a fantastic thing this is!” There was, “yest it’s good but not special.”

In summary:

On a good day – a nice walk

For a geology major or geomorphologist – pretty good

Generally – Don’t bother if the pub is open.

Bushmills Village. SGT Quigg VC memorial
That's him
Bushmills tour
We were the first owners of Bushmills!
Mussels and Tacos
A classic example of columnar jointing in an igneous rock
Cliffs plunging into the sea!


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