Thursday 18 April 2024

Still cold here, although the change we made to the heating cycle has helped and it’s toasty inside. After a slow start to the morning, including only a partially successful administration of the black cat’s blood pressure pill, we head down the road 10 minutes by car to Wicklow, to find the Tesco’s for some minor supplies. On the way, Lady P asks, “I wonder if they have Vegemite?”

Guess what. They did! Flashy bought three jars. Should have bought the six on the shelf. Not to worry, he pushed the remainder to the back and can always come back for more.

However, on my calculation, we have 253 days left before we head home. That means I need 506 grams of vegemite, based on my consumption of the one and only jar taken from Australia and now empty. Well, I have 660 grams with today’s purchase, so I’m going to splurge every day for a week. Anyway, Andrew is coming over in September if I am running low.

An interesting thing about Ireland’s streets. Most do have names. Such as “in 200 meters, go to Smith Street and turn right.” Except, there are virtually no street signs. Not on poles or buildings. Not on the road or footpath. Not anywhere.

Then there’s the fun game played by the fairies, pixies and or leprechauns, or more likely bored teenagers, of turning the road signs around. The GPS says turn right at N72, but the road sign points to the left. And in any case, Lady P decides to go straight ahead.

Flashy has spied a wood burning BBQ in the back yard and in deference to our hosts, one of whom is a vegetarian, he has decided to find some wood, paper, matches and the like, or possibly some kero and firelighters and BBQ the lamb chops purchased from the local butcher. As our lambassador, Sam Kekovich says “Beautiful day. Lamb – it’s Australian, you know it is!”

It's done now. Beautiful meat and a nice smoky BBQ flavour. Irish potatoes too. So good.

Happy man! 220g in each jar.
Cooking the chops. Note the clever fork? The Irish and Poms don't have tongs.
The cats
Chook and one of the ducks
Marinating chops in rosemary and garlic
Ingenious egg race. freshest at the top, use the bottom first. There are duck and chicken eggs.
One match of course.
The end result


  1. Mum sent me Vegemite, Milo and twisties when I was at Uni in Canada - Happy to bring a tube in the suitcase :)

  2. Good man. I'll let you know


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