Sunday 21 April 2024

What a stunning morning it is, to be sure! Blue sky, bright sunshine, happy ducks, cats and chook. We drove to Greystones, 20 minutes away on the coast just south of Dublin, parked the car and headed off on a 5 km round trip cliff walk. By the time we got back there were lots of people out for a sunny Sunday outing.

Around 1 pm we drove back along the coastal road to a village of Kilcoole, to a little pub for lunch. It is operated by Indians (ex-Goa) and has a traditional Irish menu at the front and at the back, a traditional Goanese menu.

We had the Indian food from their tandoor oven and it was terrific. So too a couple of cold beers. Back home at 4.00 pm and it’s still sunny and a crisp 12c

Some beautiful photos today of fields of Irish rape, planted for the rape seed oil.

Pizza from last night
Cliff top track
Greystones and fields of rape
Blue sky
For those young readers, this is a beer glass. Traditionally it holds 7 fl oz or 207 ml. It was once the preferred size to drink beer in Victoria. It's a long way from a pint! And by the way, it contains the remnant of Lady P's shandy (driver).


  1. Bit smaller than a pot - so 10fl oz in a pot vs. 7. Seems like you'd have to spend a lot of time waiting for beer...

  2. Smaller glasses keep the beer cold and if you're in a big shout.... (Roger)


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