Wednesday 20 March 2024

Off to Reigate this morning to collect a script for Flashy from the doctor – the wife of the real estate agent who agreed to do it, even though she is a cardiac surgeon at the hospital. Unbelievably stuffed system here but we’ll do whatever it takes to get the drugs!! (blood pressure). Then off to see Julia Humbles for lunch.

Haven’t seen her since 1990 in Mornington, when she worked for me at the Council, eventually taking over my job when I left, but we met up at “the Royal Standard Pub”, near High Wycombe and in fits and starts (remember, we’re old) we remembered the dinners, Poms v Aussies cricket matches at the Briars on New Year's Day and some of the funny times in those days. So many of our friends are dead, dying or not well, that it makes it so important to ‘do it while you can.’

Interesting how the conversations change over the years from kids, parties and who’s bonking who, to back pain, stiff joints and our latest operations.  A great day and a decent pub meal. Very enjoyable and important catch up.

Lady P drives the Polestar home via Leatherhead, where we test the charging station at Tesco. Yes. it works - and buy an electrical lead to do a trickle charge overnight tonight. I’m sure range anxiety will drop off as the days go by … maybe.

Home at 62% battery. Gins, open fire and a salad supper. Perhaps we shall bathe tomorrow, even though it's not Saturday.


  1. My word, some have aged better than others, I will leave it up to the gentle readers to decide which is which.


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