Monday 25 March 2024

We drove into the little village of Cranbrook for some basic supplies this morning and found an amazing kitchen shop where we purchased a bread baking tin and some dough paddles as a gift for Emma Louise. Someone has given her a sourdough starter and Lady P is going to giver her a lesson and make some bread.

Topped up the tyre which, incidentally was not flat. And the warning light went off. So, we will continue to nurse it along. A bit chilly today at 9C this morning and 11C at noon but no rain.

We are now alone in the house with Truffles the cockapoo dog (well, she’s a girl dog) a beautiful little dog. Johnny and Emma Louise have gone to London for two nights and we are again house sitting. Lady P has taken Truffles for a long walk and Flashy has been busy at the AGA, preparing a Tuna Mornay for dinner. Now, those stove aficionados will appreciate what an AGA is and the best thing is, that it runs on oil and runs all year round. As a result, in the winter, the kitchen is warm.

The AGA stove
A nice drop discovered recently. 
Truffles with that sad look. Let me in!


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