Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 February 2024

Flying to Gatwick at 9.15 am  today (Wed), so an early start, seamless check out and a cheap tram ride to Bergen Airport. Norwegian Air’s 737 is a comfortable 1.50 hr flight into a green and wet England. But, it’s 11c positive. We need to strip off more layers and as some of you blokes will appreciate, it’s great to be out of tights and into just trousers.

Our 2-door, Kia hire car turns out to be 5 door Vauxhall, which while small, is a zippy little car.

The drive to our digs in Westhumble (Dorking nearest town) takes about half an hour and we arrive to lunch prepared by Emma Louise and Johnny, the family selling this stately home on inheritance.

We are on 10 acres, in the country, about 3.5 miles from Dorking. Just love the imperial measurements. Reminds me of 1960’s. Johnny grew up here and his parents have just passed away, so our job is to live here, in a seven bedroom five bathroom country home, for the next six weeks and assist with the open homes and inspections. Lady P has already bought flowers, laid the dining table with the family heirlooms and crystal and Flashy has cleaned the kitchen and visited all rooms to decide where to have a gin.

Flashy was up early on Thursday morning to make the coffee and was startled when Lady P screamed something unintelligible. Turns out it was to point out a very large pheasant strutting about the front lawn. Flashy, in the absence of a 12g, is devising a cunning plan to trap and eat said bird!

Before heading into town Thursday morning, for some shopping, Flashy sets the open fire for the 4 pm fire light, relax and have some gins, planned for this afternoon.

Home after a successful shopping trip to make some garlic, ginger coconut soup, as we are craving those flavours after a few days on the road and some fairly ordinary food. We have duty free gin and some Spanish red, so feel we are right for a few days.

Fire is successfully alight, soup is made and gins are just about to be poured.

Photos taken from the sales brochure. Dining room
One of the reception rooms for fire and gin
1960's apricot painted timber kitchen in original condition
The home


  1. Nice digs, was it a large pheasant or a large peasant strutting about the front lawn?

  2. I was on a video call to LadyP at the time of discovery. Can confirm pheasant was both large and strutting.

  3. Taking pet sitting to new heights, I see. Just don't publish your naughty comments Roger.


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