Thursday 22 February 2024

The MET’s prediction of “tornado” winds and super rain cells for Surrey were a fizzer. Nonetheless, there was rain and cold conditions today. Some might say a typical English winter’s day.

So, after the usual pre inspection tidying, we headed to Horsham. About an hour away and a town of 50,000+, so a decent size and with a Thursday market.

Lady P, being a bit tired I guess, forgot to bring her coat. Well, she’s going to be wet and cold says Flashy. Offers of a hat, scarf or even his coat were spurned as she hunted the charity shops for a cheap coat.

Nothing worth a purchase, but she spots a Ralph Laurent dress for eight quid and there you go, another brightly coloured outfit for Bordeaux in May.

Horsham is a delightful town, but we need to come back in better weather. Even the market stalls are closing down. So, in agreement for once, we head for home via a petrol stop - £1.49 per litre, gasp! Fill her up for £50.

And here’s a little bit of Horsham gossip, picked up in the Oxfam Charity shop. There’s a funeral in town today. They expect 1,000 people. But they are all ‘travelers’ or Pikeys to the Irish and Romanians. Clearly an ethnic slur - or a polite term for bloody gypsies! In any case all the pubs are shutting. See how they go getting a drink then!

Coming to a town near you!


  1. At 1.49 per litre I can see why they are pushing the van, I wonder if any of them is the actual owner of the van (no ethnic slurs here).

  2. No, they're clearly nicking it (Roger)


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