Saturday 17 February 2024

Three inspections are due today and the real estate agent has just turned up. A nice chap who feels confidant that the estate will sell. He’s a real estate agent. We leave the house with clean floors, a crackling open fire, fresh flowers and the best crockery and silver set on the dining table and head off to Epsom for a few hours.

Epsom is an up market town. I think there is a horse race there sometime during the year. When we were in Dorking, the council car park only took cash for parking. Remarkable. Even worse, all the banks have closed and there are no ATM’s in the town. We parked in the supermarket and also found a one hour spot in the High Street but decided we should somehow get some cash.

As it turned out, this situation is peculiar to some towns, Dorking being one of them. Epsom, on the other hand, had 10 banks in a stone’s throw from the market and more ATM’s than is good for a town. Go figure.

Spying the market in the square and smelling the souvlaki cooking, we panicked and got a hundred quid from the bank ATM. Not necessary. Most of the market stalls had card readers. Nonetheless, determined to spend some cash, Flashy bought a loaf of bread and some raspberries.

Back home just as the last viewing was finishing and according to Robin, the agent, it looks promising. He’s a real estate agent. Later that evening he advised that the last couple want to come back for another look on Monday. Sounds promising.

The predicted rain has not arrived yet, so we walk the mile down to the pub, only to find it packed. I guess it’s 3 pm and a Saturday and lots of walkers about. We find a seat in the restaurant and have a gin and tonic and a pint of the local brew. It could be a tad colder… but I drank it without complaint. A nice walk back home and an early night.  Someone fell asleep on the sofa in front of the open fire. Must be the fumes.

Will send these to Tas
Refreshing beverages at our local pub


  1. In Scotland are Scotch eggs just called eggs???

  2. Taz and I have been researching the makings of scotch eggs - I feel there may be some in our future. Perhaps you could sample some for research purposes and report back?


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