Monday 19 February 2024

More inspections today, so tidying up and lighting the atmospheric fire, before heading into Riegate for Lady P’s hair appointment. Three hours later, she finds Flashy in the public house and we head home to meet the previous owner’s daughter, Victoria.

In his defense, he did move the car about seeking parking and explore the shops a bit. Had a snack and a diet coke as well, and only then, had a gin and tonic, as it was well past 11.00 am.

Now, when there is not much happening and no good food photos to amuse all my readers, I look for interesting facts and strange occurrences about the area where we are living. Westhumble has been around a bit. They say 8,000 years BC there were “people” here. Stone axes etc, but the recorded stuff goes back to 1200’s.

Now, I did discover that we had a couple of famous people living in this area. One, A. A. Gordon Clarke (1900 – 1958) better known as Cyril Hare, his pseudonym. Apparently, he was a very famous crime writer. Also, a barrister and judge, so he probably knew a few coppers and villains. Some say he was the best crime fiction author ever. But folks around here tend to be a bit biased.

Our host Johnny, (that’s Emma Louise’s husband. She, the once young lass Lady P nannied) has just sent through a list of good pubs nearby. I reckon we must investigate. It would be rude not to, don’t you think?


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