Monday 12 February 2024

Not much today. Went for a walk looking for secure wifi to make a bank transfer, then realised that we have VPN, so it doesn’t matter. Lightning fast internet here, I should add.

We walked to the fish market in spitting rain, more like a mist really and not so cold, 0c to +1c.

While waiting for the bars to open at 3pm, we visited the Bregen Military Museum, which was OK, sort of, then across the road to a bar with country and western music. Surprisingly, our two Swiss friends were sitting at the bar too. Amazing. I also saw the two Germans who were sitting next to us on our bus/train/bus/bus/boat etc trip a couple of days ago, walking the Bergen streets. A curt nod of the head and a whispered ‘guten tag’, is about as excited as they get. Last day tomorrow and a trip to the airport heading for the UK, so some last minute washing and admin.


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