Wednesday 31 January 2024

Interesting Finnish fact number four. The Finns are the happiest people in the world. However, there must be some unhappy ones, because as of tonight at midnight, until Friday midnight, most of the country will be on strike. Fin Air has cancelled all flights and 60,000 bookings will have to be re-issued. Unions representing childcare, real estate, shops, supermarkets, hotels - you name it apart from the Alki grog shops, will all be closed. This is a political strike to show displeasure with the government’s policies.

We are due to fly Fin Air to Stockholm on Sunday. Stand by for further updates.

Today, I met the Chaine Bailli (president) of Helsinki for lunch at a very nice brassiere style restaurant (Alexanderplas) in the city. The Chaine des Rotisseurs, Helsinki Chapitre dinner is on Saturday and is planned to still go ahead with 210 people and hopefully the International President will be able to get here from Paris. We’re on his table as important overseas guests, so I hope he makes it.

No food photos of lunch but it was very good. A small, thin strip of quiche Lorraine and micro salad garnish for entree, followed by pike, creamy mash and peas with a couple of glasses of a French Chardonnay/Sauvignon Balnc blend, was a perfect bistrot style lunch.

After lunch we took the metro home as the weather had turned drizzly and foggy. The news is that Norway just had the worst hurricane like storm in many decades. Should be all over by the time we get there next week.

As it’s the end of January, I have analysed the expenditure for the month. Fascinating stuff statistics eh? So, here it is. 

Living costs (68% of total expenditure of €4,549) made up of -food and beverages (57%), Getting around (6%) Entertainment and entrance fees (5%). Accommodation was only (4% of the total) as most of our stay has been Home Exchange or House Sitting. And 28% of the total in buying clothing and booking major travel by ferry and air. 

The total, divided by 31 days was €147 per day. The budget for living (F & B, getting around and entertainment) we set before leaving Australia, based on our pensions, was €113 per day and we were under this with an average per diem for living of €98.

Next month we get to UK mid February and for six weeks have free accommodation. Although, the major travel and car hire costs will be a challenge to fit the budget.

The  restaurant


  1. I am pondering for a few moments why there are no food photos from Flashy's lunch with the Helsinki Chaine Bailli. However I am looking forward to the food photos from the Chaine des Rotisseurs, Helsinki Chapitre of which I am sure that there will be many.


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