Tuesday 30 January 2024

Well, it’s only one day to the end of January and we’ve been on the road for four and a half weeks. Looking forward to a complete financial analysis of the month, although, we are €500 in the bank on our daily allowance, so I feel a blowout is due.

Off to the museum of design and architecture today. Some people find that exciting, you know. Flashy took photos of the really good things.

I meant to mention yesterday, the really cheap booze in Tallinn. Good vodka is AUD$28 a litre. I found a 4l bottle of Smirnoff, which I thought I could send to Tas. Alas, no post bag big enough.

Also, someone asked about all the clocks in the photos. Not my posts, of course, but Lady P has this time and temperature theme. I’m pretty sure this was explained in the early days of our trip but a theme for our travels has always been chosen. So, turning 70 focuses the mind on time and hell, we’re in 60 degrees north, in the middle of winter. I think that explains the temperature theme. Maybe I should start taking photos of thermometers? However, I will concentrate on interesting photos of food and things of interest to the ordinary folk.

That's the 4L one at the front

The museum

More design displays


  1. With Vodka at that price I might go and live there!


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