Thursday 18 January 2024

The predicted snow finally arrived this morning and it is covering all the cars in the street. It could be a stay at home day today, perhaps make a ragout for pasta tonight?

We did spend a lot of time today at the window, looking out over our snow filled park and staring for many minutes at the falling snow. You’d think we’d never seen it.

Yes, the ragout was delicious with the pasta and a Cote du Rhone rouge was just right. We watched “Boy Swallows Universe,” which is serialised here in Finnish, except we found the English button and there you go we can watch a great Australian show. We read the book and it’s author was for a time the editor of the Cairns Post, which just goes to show that anything is possible.

I can report that there are many people out socialising and dog walking, some having a fag out the front, which necessitates taking one’s gloves off. However, it is only -2c. One little doggy had on a snow coat and little booties. His tummy still scraped along the snow but he seemed happy.

Bol sauce. 

The robot cleaner chased me around the room. Scary!


  1. Methinks that maybe you will be spending a bit of time indoors so maybe you could make a funny video of the cat and the robot vacuum cleaner; post it to Youtube and fame and fortune will follow.

  2. Nah. We're off exploring today via trams. Hope to go to the Military Museum as well. The cat ignotes the robot. I can watch it all day. I'm testing my new trapper hat today


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