Monday 15 January 2024

A very short but necessary, due to the fact that we have heavy(ish) bags and it’s been snowing for a while and the footpaths are a bit slippery, Uber ride to our apartment for the next three weeks.

Super modern and spacious and decorated almost exclusively from Ikea. The cat is sitting on a mat in the bathroom, staring at the wall. Sulking or just being a cat? Flashy knows how to deal with cats. (NO!, not rule 22), I’ll give her treats.

A warmish day, around -6c. It’s been snowing lightly since we woke up but that did not stop us from walking around the corner to the supermarket for a shop-up for the week. A couple of admin days coming up, with loads of laundry, sleeping, reading and maybe playing cards.

Amazing how supermarkets are laid out the same the world over. Lizard people for sure (

Also watching TV here. Managed to change the settings to English. Oh yes, 1980's Rock TV. Great hair!

The cat

The week's forecast. Looking forward to a sunny weekend.

Had hair like that once!


  1. Does the apartment block have a communal sauna? Could be an interesting way to meet the neighbours?

  2. Yes, it has a sauna. We have a regular Friday night booking, linked to the apartment, so I guess it's not communal. They have given us a very small towel and no instructions. I guess it's all nude and you sit on the little towel. You want photos?


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