Friday 19 January 2024

It has stopped snowing and is -3c. Today it may get to -9c. We have decided to go out exploring using the tram which is about 150 m away from us. However, as we intend to walk the streets seeking out the second hand shops for Flashy’s tuxedo, some careful layering is called for.

First on are the heattek tights and over them the merino tights, tucked in to woolly socks. Then a long sleeve heattek top. Now, there is some discussion as to whether a merino jumper should be added, but by now one is expiring in the 20c apartment, so the jumper is put back in the wardrobe. 

A good flannelette shirt goes over the top and cotton (useless really) jeans form the base layer. Stout, waterproof boots are next. Then, when you are ready to depart - and you have to move to the door to the street pretty quickly or you will melt - on goes scarf number one, then the puffer jacket, then the new fur trimmed trapper hat, then scarf number two to keep the hat’s long ear flaps tight to your face, then the thermal gloves.

The placement of scarf number two is critical, because if it’s too high your glasses fog up and you can’t see a bloody thing. This is dangerous when trying to cross a road, particularly when most of the vehicles are EV’s – you know, very quiet.

Pretty simple really. It gets to around -6c and that’s OK, unless there is a wind. Then you know it’s very cold.

However, Lady P has mapped the whole day based around using the trams. Flashy stumbles along behind, hoping she doesn’t get run over by a bus. But, you know, why have a dog and bark yourself? One navigator is sufficient. Flashy can remember the door code though. Very helpful.

There are supposed to be six second hand or “vintage” shops as they call them here. I reckon we found 15 of them and went into all of them. Isn’t shopping fun? No tuxedos at all. So, a different strategy is devised.

Almost passing out from thirst, we found Hotel Lapland and discovered it was a bit flash – and a member of la Chaine des Rotisseurs. A couple of excellent Rioja tempranillos in their Kulta Bar and we’re off again.

We were successful in finding a nice pink/rust/vermilion coloured jacket, which will make up Flashy’s ensemble in place of a tux’ for the Chaine dinner. Just need some black pants, white shirt and a gayly coloured pocket ‘chief. Aw God... more shopping. He already has his bow tie and the Chaine ribbon, of course.

As a reward for her excellent work, Flashy encourages Lady P to buy a lovely cowl neck, wool blended, orange jumper. Happy campers.

More food shopping to take us through to the weekend, then home to a gin and tonic. Fact 1. – Five Crowns is 4/3 in Lady P’s favour. Fact 2. Average daily living is at 102% of budget (€113.46 per day). It’s a conversion OK!

This is real smoked salmon. You can't see my Gin though.
As it's  snowing lightly, a Tempranillo is called for

Flashy, nice and toasty, ready for more shopping. Oh yes, the Chaine plaque.


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