Wednesday 15 November to Friday 29 December

We arrive in Melbourne, collect Christopher's work ute and follow him to Sorrento where we stay for four nights with Holly and Will before returning to Hawthorn where Lady P stays with Joanne and Flashy goes to stay with Tas while he has a minor eye operation. He recovers, stoically posturing for 45 mins out of every hour for five days. We travel back and forwards to Sorrento for 4-5 days at a time, returning to Melbourne for family and friends catch ups, including Holly's 5th birthday pizza night, a pleasant boys lunch with Andrew at Donnovans in St Kilda and Thanksgiving long lunch at Katie and Andrews.

Thanksgiving saw a setback when Lucy tested positive for Covid the night before. As a consequence, the number attending the Saturday lunch dropped from 20+ to 14, which considering, was not too bad a turnout. Turkey and sides were excellent and the usual restraint with the beverages was observed by most.

We returned to Sorrento on Sunday 3 December and the pace of Christopher and Sam’s beach house renovations picked up considerably during the week, with 4 to 6 of Dale’s team getting stuck into the yard and garden, hopefully in time for the festivities.

Lady P and Flashy managed to get their shingles vaccine at the local Sorrento chemist, while the rest of the country are on doctors’ waiting lists. It seems that no one is telling the population that chemists can give, and do have, in stock the vaccine. Well, you can bet the doctors aren’t saying anything.

A weekend in Melbourne on 8, 9 and 10 December with Joanne saw us visit the old HM Prison Pentridge (1851-1997) on Friday night and a tour of H (“Hell") Division followed by dinner at North and Common Restaurant at the old goal. Some suggested that this was not the first time that relatives have visited Pentridge.

Saturday 9 December and we head off for pre-theatre cocktails and snacks at Nick and Nora’s  and then the Princess Theatre for Mumma Mia. A great night with Joanne.

Back to Sorrento on 11th to prepare for Christopher's 40th birthday on 16th

All the family - 14 pax are in house on Friday 15th and a dinner of lasagna and various beverages make for a great night. The next day, we set up the big spit with marinated lamb and chicken (about 10kg’s) and some basic salads, pita breads and rolls make for an easy day long lunch. This of course, leads into a long night, as Christopher’s mates arrive, and the bar is seriously hit. It all ends at midnight with a relaxed and friendly evening.

17th to 21st

More house minding in Sorrento by Lady P and Flashy and no more supervising of tradies. Planning for our departure continues with more throwing out of pits and pieces, cryovaccing of mediciness and a trip to Mornington to get some essentials and some Euro currency.


Christmas eve at Sorrrento with family and Tas is a reasonably quite affair with some good home made lobster spaghetti and a rich beef ragout over hand made pappardelle, accompanied by some excellent wines. Christmas day begins with scrambled eggs and bacon, champagne and cocktails and is followed at 12.00 by oysters and prawns. The traditional turkey and ham, with millions of roast potatoes, mac and cheese and cauliflower and broccoli cheese, with some green beans starts at 2.30. Christopher’s Grange is opened and discussed, as is a variety of sparkling, white and some considerably cheaper by equal quality reds. Panettone trifle is tasted. There’s half left for later. At some stage we watch Equaliser 3 on TV.

Boxing day is as always, a recovery day. Finding no lumps in the Champagne, it is eagerly consumed. The day is a bit of grazing, with leftover ham and turkey to start. Then on Lady P’s request Christopher puts the unused chicken and lamb on his spit and we do the Greek thing again. Some more excellent wines, of course. At some stage the boys watch Equaliser 1, then the start of Reacher series 2.

Hawthorn Wednesday 27th - 29th

We pack up and leave the kids and grandkids in Sorrento. Andrew, Katie and Lucy depart as well and we drive to Hawthorn. We have two days to go, so lots of sorting of what’s not going with us and a drop off to Vinnies or the rubbish bin.


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