New Year’s Eve As the afternoon stretches into evening, three things happen. Obviously, there are more than three things happening in the universe, but we noticed the crowds building in the Champs Elysee, the temperature dropping to 6c and our tiredness setting in. So, we had a nap, then a drink, then tried in vain to walk in the Champs. Tens of thousands of people, queuing for food, standing around, pushing bloody strollers with kids into your ankles. All clad in Melbourne black. Black is the new black here for sure. And so to the people. There are a lot of French speaking Africans here, most looking fairly wealthy if you can judge by the clothes. Also, very many heavily armed police. I’m talking sub machine guns, gas grenades and the whole riot squad in armour and shields. Flashy tried to ascertain the make of the weapons and the rank of the cops but got the hard stare as he got too close and didn’t want to end up being frisked like a number of others trying to en...