
  Friday 27 th September 2024 A smart move to have Friday off because the itinerary for today is longer than yesterday, if that's possible. A sleep in, lazy breakfast, some admin and already it’s 1.00 pm. Andrew has done the research and booked a smart restaurant called 1888 for lunch at 2.30 pm. We’ll probably be the only people there. Yes we were. An inside table and comfortable chairs and a menu with a mix of Spanish and French items. We started with a gin and tonic, just to see the theatre of the long pour and a pleasant Albarino. The starters of anchovies on toast and carpaccio of beef were paired with a 30 year old Olorosso sherry and another Albarino. The mains of rare (very rare!) duck breast with toasted grains and Andrew’s sea bass worked well with a Rioja light red. Desserts were not so inspiring, so we just has a couple of Pedro  Ximinez. While walking off lunch, we found a quiet square full of uni students, so sat down for a couple of drinks before heading back home
  Thursday 26 th September 2024 -Dinner And because there’s more mis amigos, the next stop was Bodegas y Vinedos Castiblanque in Ciudad Real. Passionate and funny winemaker, owner, his mate and the sommelier, presented three wines and more cheese and cured meats. Had enough yet? Off we go to another very industrial sized bodegas – Casa del Valle. Another boring winery tour. They really don’t need to do this. And to another masterclass of their wines from Rose to all the reds.   Ten wines in total. Many were struggling at this stage, including the two antipodeans. However dinner now beckoned. The restaurant was magnificent. Plenty of space and despite the 9.00 pm hour and full tummies, we anticipated a good meal. It was the best meal of the trip.  There must be a French chef in the kitchen as the portion sizes were small, perfectly seasoned (someone found some salt) and beautifully presented. The generous wines were also very good. We arrived back home at 12.15 am and were in bed by
  Thursday 26 th September 2024 - Lunch This was a huge day. Up at 6.30 am for a quick breakfast and a walk to the Hotel to catch the coaches on a 250 km round trip, visiting four bodegas, lunch at a restaurant; a masterclass in Madrid wines; and a stunning dinner – arriving home at 12.15 am Friday morning. First stop was a tiny, family run Bodegas Brujidero, where we were treated to a white and red wine bottled exclusively for the OMGD. 100 bottles only. The white, an Airen grape from around Toledo and the red, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah, also from around Toledo, were made with minimal interference – manual milled grind and no yeast starter. They were OK. Cheese and cured meats as well were offered. We then walked the 600 metres down the road to Bodegas Alcardet. This the other end of the spectrum, with a massive industrial wine making operation, on a huge footprint. Here we sampled their red, white and sparkling wines; more cheese and jamon and they gave us a bottle o
  Wednesday 25 September 2024 Sanxopanza Restaurant was the boy’s dinner venue last night. Close to home and not too hard a walk on Flashy’s dodgy ankle. At 9.00 pm, we were the only patrons – of course! Spanish was the only language, unusual. Eventually we got that ‘carne’ was meat and Flashy let Andrew order. Pointing at the menu helped too. We were delivered a 1.15 kg rare steak carved from the bone. Very delicious and a good match with the Rioja wines. Andrew made it to 10.00 pm before instantly falling asleep. We were home. He didn’t fall asleep in the street. 10.00 pm was judged as a a good sign, since tonight is the l’Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Degustateurs welcome dinner and it could be a late one. Prior to the welcome dinner, we  were treated to a Masterclass in Rioja wines. Not actually visiting Rioja this conference, they brought Rioja to us. Four of the main winemakers; each with three of their best (mainly red) wines and large samples. In a room with 200 people this was
  Sunday to Wednesday 22 to 25 September 2024 Andrew arrived and we settled in for the training for the L’Order Mondial Gourmet Degustateur International Grande Chapitre.  As Andrew arrived late Saturday night and Lady P departed for Porto early Sunday, we really were ships in the night. Sunday morning the apartment was a boys house. A walk around the neighbourhood and a visit to Alberto's for lunch, was then topped off with some sherries at la Venencia. Here the waiter put his hand over Flashy’s phone to prevent him from taking a picture. A very dangerous move indeed. However, the story is that the bar was a hotbed of communista during the revolution and all patrons were afraid of being photographed, for fear of execution. So Flashy let it go. The eye contact said it all. On departure Flashy paid in cash. The waiter gave him the thumbs-up and a smile. No tip though, we’re all comrades here! Monday saw us doing a tour of the Royal Palace, which was well done and interesting. Ve
  Thursday 19 th september 2024 Alan and Cherete have decided on a hop-on-hop-off bus today and departed early. Lady P is deep in research for the end of our trip. We now have a pet sit in Bari, Italy for a week in October and other train bookings are only now being opened for December. Dinner tonight is a wander along the adjacent street for tapas and wine. Excellent on both accounts, with the sardine tapa a standout. Friday 20 th September 2024 We all retraced the Food Tour route this morning, starting at Moega for the little Prenao Chorizo – doughy balls filled with chorizo sausage. Then, noticing Lady P’s symptoms of no morning coffee YET!!, we ducked across the road to Gonzales for a very good coffee, juice and chocolate. The real destination, open at 12.30 pm, was la Venencia Sherry Bar. This 100 year old joint just serves sherry - and four Olorosos later at least Flashy was happy. Casa Alberto’s, another 100+ year old restaurant, was the lunch stop for Flashy and Lady P and
  Tuesday 17 th September 2024 Despite a confusing entry into the railway station next morning, we caught the 300 kmh (well, most of the way) train to Madrid. The only frustration being the lack of wifi so we had to talk to each other and watch the scenery. Flashy’s ankle is still playing up so we caught a taxi from the station to our accommodation, which was a blessing on two fronts. It took us along the beautiful main boulevard, past the museums and new building before arriving in the old town. We are in a residential neighbourhood with many near by bars and restaurants in a newly renovated two bedroom apartment. After a quick visit to the small supermarket three doors down, we chilled the Cava and awaited the arrival of Alan and Cherete Harton. Once they arrived and settled in, we went for a neighbourhood stroll, indulging, as you do, tapas and more of those gigantic gin and tonics. Wednesday 18 th September 2024 Moving slowly and only having a cup of tea this morning as we de